Tags : INDIA

Ancient history

VIKRAMSHILA – The Premier University

Vikramshila University was the center of Vajrayana Buddhism, where 1000 students were taught by more than 100 teachers, in which logic, grammar, philosophy, astronomy, law, etc. were taught. There were many temples in this university, for the care of which 108 schools were kept. The founder of Tibetan Buddhist Sakra traditions was Atiya Dipankar a student of this school. Read More

Ancient history

NALANDA – “Institute of National Importance”

Nalanda University has a different status from the point of view of arts. Bright red bricks were used in the construction of Nalanda University. It has a huge door surrounded by walls including many stupas, temples, meditation halls, parks, lakes, etc. The specialty of this university is its library, Ratnasagar, Ratnaranjaka, and Ratnodadhi, which were furnished in three multi-story buildings. Read More

Ancient history

TAXILA -‘City of Cut Stones’

The cultural name of Taxila is 'City of Cut Stones'. If we talk about the time of Ramayana, then this city was founded in the name of Taksha, the son of Bharata, the son of King Dasharatha. Taxila was famous for its university, here especially subjects like science, medicine, art, religion, astrology, archery, etc were taught.Read More

Ancient history

#ScientificSages: Shushrut

Acharya Sushruta is known as the father of surgery and the father of brain surgery, he is one of the ancient doctors of India. Acharya Sushruta's book 'Sushruta Samhita' is one of the oldest texts in the world of plastic surgery. It is considered the oldest treatise in the field of medicine and is considered the fundamental text of Ayurveda.Read More

Ancient history Indian Mythology

#ScientificSages: Kanad

Maharishi Kanad is known as Kashyap, Kashbhuj, Uluka, etc. His name translates to 'atomic eater', he was an ancient Indian scientist and philosopher, who founded the Veseshik school. Little is known about his life, he is known to have developed the foundation of the nuclear approach. Though there's a lot of debate about his birth, it is said that Kanad was born around the 2nd century. Read More

Ancient history

#ScientificSages: Patanjali

Maharishi Patanjali was a sage in ancient India, he has composed many Sanskrit works, the greatest of which is the Yoga Sutras, which is a classical yoga text. It is said that Patanjali was born in the second and third centuries AD .It is also believed that he used to live in Kashmir, Nepal, Sri Lanka.Read More

Ancient history

#ScientificSages: Panini

Panini is believed to be born between about 4 to 6 centuries, he was a Sanskritist and grammarian scholar of ancient India. He is known as the father of linguistics and was influential on the grammar of Padini even above Ferdinand de Saussure and Leonard Bloomfield.Read More

Ancient history Medieval history

#ScientificSages: Nagarjuna

Nagarjuna was an Indian Buddhist thinker and scholarly saint, he is one of the most important philosophers of the entire Asian island. He was born in 150 CE. Nagarjuna is widely regarded as the founder of the secondary school of Buddhist philosophy. It is also believed that Nagarjuna was an advisor to a king of the Satavahana dynasty who ruled the Deccan plateau. Read More