Mathematician Bhaskaracharya “The second value is in this casenot to be taken, for it is inadequate;people do not approve of negativeroots.– on negative roots” Bhaskaracharya Jiwas a mathematician andastronomer, he was born inVijayawada around 1114 AD.Bhaskaracharya Ji was born in aHindu Deshastha Brahmin family, theworks of Bhaskar Ji made animportant contribution tomathematics and astronomicalknowledge in […]Read More
April 25, 2022
” The second value is in this case not to be taken, for it is inadequate; people do not approve of negative roots.– on negative roots” INTRODUCTION-: Bhaskaracharya Ji was a mathematician and astronomer, he was born in Vijayawada around 1114 AD. Bhaskaracharya Ji was born in a Hindu Deshastha Brahmin family, the works of […]Read More