Tags : travel

Ancient history Asian history Lifestyle

The Essence of Navarasa in Indian Classical Arts

Navarasa, which translates as “new emotions” in Sanskrit, is a key concept in classical Indian art that encapsulates the essence of emotional expression. These nine emotions—Shringar (love), Hasya (laughter), Raudra (anger), Karuna (compassion), Veer (courage), bhayanaka (fear), bibhatsa (disgust), adbhuta (awe), and shanta (peace)—function as universal languages that transcend cultural boundaries. Each quantity enables artists […]Read More

Lifestyle Ancient history European history Medieval history

THE ROMAN EMPIRE:Eternal Dominion

                                                      This world has seen many willful and fierce empires. Civilizations are transient, and every powerful empire is bound to fall into ruins someday, but what matters is the essence that it leaves on the world. Every fallen empire’s footprint is important for the society to grow and foresee social change. One amongst these is the […]Read More

Ancient history European history Medieval history

Rochester Castle: The Guardian of England’s 11th Century Military Legacy

Located in the historic city of Rochester, Kent, Rochester Castle stands as a testament to the military might and architectural skill of the Normans. Built in the 11th century, this impressive structure has endured countless sieges, battles, and the shifting political dynamics of medieval England. With its towering keep and rich historical importance, Rochester Castle […]Read More

Indian Mythology Ancient history Asian history

Exploring the Origins of The Matsya Purana: The First Avatar

One of the 18 Mahapuranas in Hindu Literature, the Matsya Purana is among the most important and oldest writings. It revolves around the story of Lord Vishnu’s first incarnation, the Matsya (fish) avatar, as the name implies. Cosmology, geography, religious ceremonies, building temples, and the responsibilities of rulers are only a few of the many […]Read More

Indian Mythology Ancient history Asian history European history mythology


The prominent Hindu Goddess Maa Kali retains the symbolism of being the goddess of Death and Destroyer of the universe, while also possessing Lajja or modesty as her inherent traits. She is depicted in many scriptures and her worship is widespread throughout India and its neighbouring countries. Similarly, Goddess Athena is a prominent Greek goddess […]Read More