Tags : nature

Ancient history Asian history

The Disappearing Echoes of Khasi Folk Songs: A Journey Through

The region where Meghalaya located within Meghalaya’s natural hills and beautiful forest displays traditional Khasi oral traditions which generations have maintained. Through their traditional culture Khasi people express their deep spiritual and historic traditions by creating musical melodies that celebrate nature while depicting themes of love. Modernization carries strong winds across the hills which cause […]Read More

Lifestyle Asian history European history Medieval history Modern history

Scented Sagas: Legendary Ingredients and Their Perfume Lineage

Sandalwood, jasmine, and ambergris are three legendary ingredients that have left an indelible mark on the world of perfumery. Each with its unique history, significance, and allure, these treasures of nature have captivated hearts and minds for millennia. From the sacred rituals of ancient civilizations to the modern laboratories of master perfumers, the journey of […]Read More

Ancient history Asian history Lifestyle

Harisena: A Poet and Statesman of the Gupta Dynasty

In the rich tapestry of Indian history, The Gupta Dynasty, spanning from the 4th to 6th century CE, stands as a golden age of cultural and political flourishing. Renowned for advancements in astronomy, metallurgy, mathematics and literature, the Guptas fostered monumental achievements celebrated by all Indians till this day. Historians regard the Gupta period as […]Read More