Kummi, one of the most ancient and cherished folk dances of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, represents the cultural richness and traditions of South Indian villages. Primarily performed by women, this vibrant dance form combines rhythmic clapping, dynamic movements, and heartfelt singing to create a captivating experience. Rooted in agrarian societies, Kummi reflects the simplicity and […]Read More
Tags : kerela
Kalaripayattu form of martial art belongs to Kerala and its origin dates back to 3000 years ago. If we divide the word into two, ‘Kalari’ and ‘payattu’, the word roughly translates into exercising or fighting in an arena or a gymnasium.Read More
Kanthallur Vihara was a very old center of education, used to teach 64 subjects like Vedas, Mantra, Astrology, Science, Dance, Drama, Music, and Martial Arts. Kanthalur school was known all over the world for the quality of its education, due to which students from all over the world used to come here to take education. Read More