Tags : INDIA

Lifestyle African history American history Ancient history Asian history European history

The Origins of Human Language: How We Learned to Speak

We use words every day, without giving them much thought. Language, in all its various forms, is certainly one of humanity’s most outstanding creations, yet. So how did we end up with thousands of languages spread all around the world: each representing a distinct set of sounds and meanings? So let’s trace the story of […]Read More

Ancient history Asian history

Indus River: The Cradle of Civilization

The Indus River is of monumental historical importance because it is the bloodstream of one of the oldest civilizations-the Indus Valley Civilization. The river stretches over 3,180 kilometres from the Tibetan Plateau through India and Pakistan and has nourished thousands of years of cultures, economies, and communities. The fertile plains and boundless water resources of […]Read More

Ancient history Asian history Lifestyle

The Essence of Navarasa in Indian Classical Arts

Navarasa, which translates as “new emotions” in Sanskrit, is a key concept in classical Indian art that encapsulates the essence of emotional expression. These nine emotions—Shringar (love), Hasya (laughter), Raudra (anger), Karuna (compassion), Veer (courage), bhayanaka (fear), bibhatsa (disgust), adbhuta (awe), and shanta (peace)—function as universal languages that transcend cultural boundaries. Each quantity enables artists […]Read More