TAXILA -‘City of Cut Stones’

Taxila was an important city in ancient India. Located in the principal region of the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia established in 1000 AD, in Rawalpindi Punjab, Pakistan. Many scholars have different views about it, some consider it to be the first university in the world. There were many transfers of empires here, and because of no routes connecting the trade area, this area became insignificant.
The cultural name of Taxila is ‘City of Cut Stones’. If we talk about the time of Ramayana, then this city was founded in the name of Taksha, the son of Bharata, the son of King Dasharatha. Taxila was famous for its university, here especially subjects like science, medicine, art, religion, astrology, archery, etc were taught.
Taxila is the proper historical part of the treasure from ancient India. It is an ancient temple, stupa, palace, and fort which was built by the rulers there. Like the Bhir mound here which marks the triumphant entry of Alexander.
Taxila was the center of postgraduate studies, the teachers there used to decide when the education of the students would end here. This university was famous all over the world, it is said that many scholars of the Buddha period, Mauryan Empire, and emperors studied here. For example, King Pasenadi of Kosala, Chandragupta Maurya, who is said to be the founder of the Mauryan empire, had taken training from Chanakya, and for about eight years he studied at Taxila. Charaka, the ‘Father of Medicine and the leading scholar of Ayurveda, also studied here.
The University of Taxila was destroyed in the 5th century by the White Huno who sacked the city, destroyed the monasteries, and looted the city’s treasury. This was told by Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang in the 7th century when he visited this area and told people that half of the monasteries here have been destroyed.
Taxila University has been a center of knowledge since 1000 AD. It is one of the 12 UNESCO sites around the world that are on the verge of damage. The government is working tirelessly to preserve it, which gives India a different place in the world.