The Trishul, or the trident derives its name from the Sanskrit word Trishula wherein, tri means three and shula means a sharp iron stake. The Trishul is an important symbol in Hinduism. In most of the Hindu iconography and mythology, the Trishul is often associated with Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. […]Read More
Tags : norse mythology
The symbol of Swastika, is yet another, in fact the most auspicious and important of symbols in Hinduism. Similar to its usage as that of the symbol Om, Swastika—a shape of two crosses—is drawn outside of Hindu homes, on vehicles, used elaborately during the weddings and carved on the walls and architectural designs of Hindu […]Read More
Vikings, who are frequently portrayed as fearless warriors and swashbuckling traders, had a lasting impression on history via their exploration, conquests, and cultural customs. One of these customs was the practice of tattooing, which had several functions in Viking culture. Although the precise breadth and significance of tattooing during the Viking Age are still up […]Read More
Norse mythology refers to the Scandinavian mythological framework or the mythical body of the North Germanic people. It is a part of a well-organized and ancient indigenous religion practiced by the Germanic people of Europe. The main sources that tell us about Norse mythology are two Icelandic manuscripts that were copied down and collated in […]Read More