Tags : indigenous

Medieval history American history Lifestyle Modern history

Indigenous Resistance in Brazil: The Fight for Land Rights in

Covering around 60% of Brazil’s territory, Amazon rainforest stands as on of the most iconic and vital landscapes on our planet. Its unparalleled richness in flora and fauna, along with its immense carbon storage capacity, makes it’s the cornerstone of Earth’s environment stability. The amazon rainforest is home to an estimated 390 billion individual trees […]Read More

Ancient history Asian history Lifestyle Medieval history

Gond Art and Culture: The Indigenous Aesthetics of Central India

India’s cultural landscape has various threads of traditions, spirituality and creativity that is said to be connected with the stories of tribal communities. Among these communities, the Gonds stand strong as an example of resilience, creativity and cultural richness. Comprising just over 9 million, out of the total tribal population of India, the Gonds represent […]Read More