Tags : author

Medieval history Lifestyle Modern history

The Legacy of Nawab Shah Jahan Begum of Bhopal

The Begums of Bhopal were trailblazers, defying societal norms and reshaping the course of history in India. Among them, Nawab Shah Jahan Begum stands out for her indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to progress. While her contemporary, Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, is celebrated for his architectural marvels, Nawab Shah Jahan Begum remains largely forgotten in […]Read More

Ancient history Asian history

Strategic Governance: Unveiling Chanakya’s Arthashastra

Strategic Governance: Unveiling Chanakya’s Arthashastra Chanakya, also known as Kauṭilya or Vishnugupta, was an eminent figure in ancient Indian history, flourishing between 375 and 283 BCE. Renowned as a polymath, he excelled as a teacher, author, strategist, philosopher, economist, jurist, and royal advisor. His most enduring contribution lies in authoring the Arthashastra, a seminal text […]Read More

Ancient history Lifestyle

Unlocking the Legacy of Banabhatta: Exploring the Mastermind Behind ‘Kadambari’

Banabhatta, a famous author of traditional Sanskrit literature, is a guiding light in the extensive canon of Indian literature. His literary skill helped to shape the development of Sanskrit literature in the seventh century CE, leaving a lasting impression on the fields of the arts and culture. The “Kadambari,” a compelling work of fiction that […]Read More

Asian history Ancient history Medieval history

Unveiling the Legacy of Kalhana and the Rajatarangini: Kashmir’s Ancient

Few names in ancient Indian history are as illustrious as Kalhana, the renowned Kashmiri historian and chronicler. His magnum opus, the “Rajatarangini,” is a wealth of information about Kashmir’s past, present, and rulers. In this post, we will go deeply into Kalhana’s life and works while examining the Rajatarangini’s significance and long legacy. In the […]Read More