Samyuktha Vijay

Ancient history Asian history

Vishakhadatta: Unraveling the Enigma of an Ancient Sanskrit Playwright

Vishakhadatta, an illustrious figure in the tapestry of ancient Indian literature, remains shrouded in mystery, with only faint glimpses of his life found in the verses of his surviving works, Mudrārākṣasa and Devichandraguptam. Despite the scarcity of biographical details, scholars have attempted to place him in the chronicles of Indian history, sparking debates about his […]Read More

Ancient history Asian history Lifestyle

Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukkural: A Timeless Odyssey of Wisdom and Enlightenment

“Akara Mudhala Ezhuththellaam Aadhi Bagavan Mudhatre Ulagu”   Translation: As the letter A is the first of all letters, so the eternal God is first in the world. This timeless couplet, or  ‘Kural,’ resonates widely in Tamil Nadu, finding its way into school textbooks and government buses alike. Embraced by the Tamil people, irrespective of […]Read More

Ancient history Asian history Lifestyle

Harisena: A Poet and Statesman of the Gupta Dynasty

In the rich tapestry of Indian history, The Gupta Dynasty, spanning from the 4th to 6th century CE, stands as a golden age of cultural and political flourishing. Renowned for advancements in astronomy, metallurgy, mathematics and literature, the Guptas fostered monumental achievements celebrated by all Indians till this day. Historians regard the Gupta period as […]Read More