Bhairavi Brahmani: The Teacher of Sri Ramakrishna

In our second blog, we read about maternal figure Sharada Devi. We also studied how her husband Sri Ramakrishna played an indispensable role in making of Sharada Devi – The great female saint. But do you know who played an important role in making of Sri Ramakrishna?
Someone has rightly said that ‘behind every great man there stands a great woman’ because behind the success of Sri Ramakrishna there was a woman. A woman with immense knowledge of tantra who taught it to Sri Ramakrishna and shaped him in the way, we know him today. However, it’s very unfortunate that not many people know about her. It seems as if she is lost in the pages of history but we need to unveil her. We need to give her due respect and credit. That’s why in today’s blog we will reading about Bhairavi Brahmani – the woman who made Sri Ramakrishna.
Bhairavi Brahmani was born in a Brahmin family in Jessore district of Bengal, now in Bangladesh. She had profound knowledge of Vaishnava and Tantrika literature. She was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. One day Divine Mother had appeared in her dream and commanded her to deliver her knowledge and findings to three suitable aspirants. Hence, from here her journey of finding those three aspirants began.
Sri Ramakrishna was plucking beautiful flowers, on a bright sunny day in 1861, in the garden outside his abode in Dakshineswar when he spotted a boat coming towards the ghat of the temple. He stopped plucking flowers and began looking at the boat. A middle-aged beautiful woman, who was Bhairavi Brahmani, emerged from the boat. Albeit she was around forty years old that time, she looked younger for her age. Sri Ramakrishna sent one of his disciples to bring Bhairavi Brahmani inside the temple.
The moment Bhairavi Brahmani saw Sri Ramakrishna, tears of joy began welling her eyes and she said softly, “Oh my son! You’ve no idea how long I have been looking for you here and there. Finally, I have found you.”
Sri Ramakrishna who had never before met this lady was perplexed by her statement and asked, “But we have never met before mother. How do you know about me?”
Bhairavi Brahmani smiled at his question and replied, “Through the powers of Divine Mother. She came into my dream and commanded me to meet the three of you. I have already met with the two of them Chandra and Girija in East Bengal. You were the only one left. But today I have found you.” Bhairavi Brahmani spoke as if she had found a jewel. Sri Ramakrishna was also moved by her emotions.
Sri Ramakrishna and Bhairavi Brahmani instantly developed a mother-son relationship. It seemed as if they knew each other from past lives. Sri Ramakrishna talked his heart out with Bhairavi Brahmani. He told her how people called him unhinged for being different from them and indulging in meditation and spirituality most of the times. Reassuring him, Bhairavi Brahmani told him, “Who says it’s madness son? You’re not insane. In fact, you have culminated the highest state of realization called Mahabhava. Radha had also reached this state. It’s a proof of your ardent devotion.”
Bhairavi Brahmani started living at Ariadaha, located nearby Dakshineswar Kali Temple. Everyday she would come to Dakshineswar to impart her spiritual learnings to Sri Ramakrishna. They would also talk for hours like a mother and son. Their pure and spiritual relation of mother and son was getting deeper and deeper every passing day. Bhairavi Brahmani started seeing Sri Ramakrishna as an incarnation of God. She was dazzled by his devotion and saw the great aura of God inside him.
Bhairavi Brahmani would go to far-flung areas of Dakshineswar during day to collect the materials for her tantra vidya and at night she would invite Sri Ramakrishna under a tree for Tantrika Sadhana. He practiced all the tantras mentioned in the sixty-four principal Tantra books.
Sri Ramakrishna has described his experience as, “In the day-time the Brahmani went to various places far away from the temple garden and collected and brought various rare articles prescribed by the Tantras. Placing them under the Vilva tree or under the Panchavati at night, she called me, taught me how to make use of those things, and helped me in the performance of the worship of the divine Mother according to the prescribed rules with their aid, asking me at last to merge in Japa and meditation. I acted accordingly. But I had to perform almost no Japa; for, hardly did I turn the rosary once when I merged completely in Samadhi and realized the results proper to those rites. There was thus no limits to my visions and experiences, all very extraordinary. The Brahmani made me undertake, one by one, all the disciplines prescribed in the sixty-four main Tantras, all difficult to accomplish, in trying to practise which most of the Sadhakas go astray; but all of which I got through successfully by Mother’s grace”.
Bhairavi Brahmani took her leave once the teaching was over. Nobody knows where she went.
The notable achievements of Bhairavi Brahmani are:
- Spiritual Leadership
Bhairavi Brahmani played a crucial role in making of Sri Ramakrishna. She imparted spiritual and tantric knowledge to him.
- Profound knowledge of Vaishnava and Tantrika literature
Bhairavi Brahmani had profound knowledge of Vaishnava and Tantrika literature.
- Influence on Tantra
She made notable contributions to the practice and teaching of Tantra, particularly in integrating it with Bhakti. Her approach helped to bridge the gap between the two traditions, making Tantra more approachable for a broader audience.
- Inspirational Life
Her personal life and dedication to her spiritual path serve as an inspiration for many. Her life story is often cited as a model of devotion and commitment to spiritual principles.
Nobody knows what happened with Bhairavi Brahmani after she imparted knowledge to Sri Ramakrishna. It seems as if she was heaven sent. She was sent for making a great sage Sri Ramakrishna.
It’s very unfortunate that even after her great contributions people don’t know about her. It’s very important for us to give her due recognition. I hope after my blog does this job of giving her the due respect and recognition she deserves.