MORENA- The Golden Triangle University

Morena was a major center of education in the Chambal division during the 8th century. In the 8th to 12th centuries, the three regions Mitawali, Padawali, and Bateshwar were described as a golden triangle, where there was a university. This university was built by King Devpal and the structure of the temples can be seen in the Parliament of Delhi today.
Morena golden triangle University was built by the Gurjara Pratiharas, and then it was renovated by the Kachchpaghat rulers. The Bateshwar temple was the center of the Golden Triangle University and the Chausath Yogin Temple for astrology and mathematics.
This university has been the center of education since ancient times, Hinduism, mathematics, and astrology were taught here for about 1000 years, that too with the help of the sun. We should try and preserve our heritage in the present time, as the coming generations will be able to learn from their history and heritage.