In 2020 , The Visionary Founder Shiwani Kumar sensed the need to have Digital place for an authentic History Community that can provide the history in fun way without compromising the facts  When she couldn’t find any place  that checked all the boxes she decided to create on her  own. As she  were organizing things, people interested not only on history but also with mythology ,Travelers  joined the Beautiful journey of Historified 

Historified was started to bring insight, meaning—and every now and again, the fun—to the world of History . and we didn’t want to stop there. Today the company has grown from it  to providing insight full mythology and travelogues with lots and lots of information for the people who seek it.


Historified readers have turned to us for fair, independent-minded coverage of the things that matter. Our reporting and commentary on Hisotry , policy, Mythology, and culture draw a loyal and engaged audience of millions of readers, viewers, and listeners.

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